Magazine Spread Reboot

The Fight Over the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

In the magazine layout my concept is to show the intricate issues surrounding Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and try to make awareness in a visually interesting way. I approached this design with a serious tone suggested in the typography by using a bold san serif for the title and a smaller serif for the body text. The san serif is also featured in cohesive ways throughout the magazine. I consistently used engaging photography and applied the images properties to the quote and illustration. I increasing the use of my columns by adding in photography and important text to insure viewers eyes would move across the pages in the necessary way.

Final Design


GDSN 224 Version


Spring 2024 Version

I completely decided to change my magazine spread because I felt it was just placed there instead of working together. It took a lot of rearranging and organization to find the right fit for my magazine. I also added a new neutral color to make important information pop and stand out.

Progress Work


Poster Fold Design


Album Cover